I don't know. I am not a doctor. And legally I have to say this Protocol is not a substitute for medical advice from a Doctor or Vet. I am a researcher and data aggregator. I solve problems with research of big data and link all common data traits. Google is our friend and so is everyone who shares research data around the world.
All of these things that I give to Lucy were tested in test tubes, animals, and humans in research labs around the world. That research data is what I used to decide what to give Lucy. It also had to be cheap and easily available for anyone to buy anywhere.
You would think it would work on humans as well as dogs.
This approach to cancer is about treating the whole biologic system.
- Kill the cancer cells
- Rid the cancer cells
- Remove the toxins cancer produces
- Make the cancer cells become easier targets for the immune system
- Slow cancer reproduction
- Stimulate and Modulate the immune system
- Control secondary symptoms like bleeding, infection, inflammation, mucous, appetite, or pain for a better feeling animal.
Just by using a multi-modal approach that is as diverse in attack as possible.
You could also call it Orthomolecular Cancer Diversity Therapy or The Tippner Protocol. Using natural original versions of substances that show promise in research data. Not some chemical in isolation synthesized in a lab. And, of course, not just one substance or attack used. You cannot win a war with just one type of weapon. It takes many types and also many strategies to win a war. The War against Cancer.
Lab researchers always use just one substance to test. They don't use multiple substances, nor diverse attacks because that's just not how it's done due to too many variables for them to study.
And, for some reason, many Oncologists do the same thing for cancer treatment. Ug.
The body is complex and diverse and so does the treatment.