I hate to say it.
Don't want to jinx it.
But, she still has no signs of cancer since last late July!
Never thought all this research would pay off.
Here pictures of Lucy and her no bun cheeseburger I grilled for her to start the celebration.
Time: 00:00 Start to eat
Time 00:01 Burger now in mouth
Time: 00:02 Burger now in stomach
Time: 00:03 Burger now in stomach and leaving stomach. Is there more?
Time: 00:04 Where is the other burger?
Time: 00:05 There's only 1 burger?!
And some whipped cream for dessert! Now, normally I would never recommend this sugary stuff except for special occasions, but seeing how she made it a year and she is very healthy, I think it's ok.
Happy being alive AND WELL!
Can't believe it!