Not just Holistic, but how to use E: All of the Above!

I made this blog because I did tons of research on success stories and research worldwide and used it on my dog with nasal cancer named Lucy. So, now my hobby is molecular biology. The treatment uses combination of health store supplements, some prescription meds, diet changes, and specific Ayurvedic and Chinese medicinal herbs. I just wanted her to have a better quality of life. I thought this combination of E: All the Above (except no radiation or chemo and surgery for this cancer was not an option) would help that for sure, but it actually put her bleeding nasal cancer in remission!
My approach to cancer is about treating the whole animals biologic system. But I do hate the word 'Holistic'. Sounds like hoo hoo. This is science based, research based data and results of using active herbal compounds that happen to be readily available and common. Some call it Nutriceuticals. Others may call it Orthomolecular cancer therapy. Or Cancer Immunotherapy.
-Slow cancer cell reproduction
-Make cancer cells become easier targets for the immune system
-Kill the cancer cells
-Rid the cancer cells
-Remove the toxins it produces
- Stimulate and Modulate the immune system
-Control secondary symptoms like bleeding, infection, inflammation, mucous, appetite, or pain for a better feeling animal
-Working with your vet for exams and prescriptions that are sometimes needed when conditions are acute.
Just by using a multi-modal treatment approach that is as diverse in attack as possible. Both conventional and natural.
The body conditions that allowed it to develop in the first place must be corrected. If caught early enough, like with Lucy, this ongoing maintenance correctional treatment is all that was required at this point to achieve, so far, more than 10 TIMES the life expectancy given (more than 60 months) after diagnosis WITH remission. I did not use radiation or chemotherapy or surgery.
I hope this cancer research can help your dog as well.

My Lucy

My Lucy
In Loving Memory my Lucy December 2016
CURRENT STATUS - It was for more than 5 YEARS after Lucy was diagnosed by biopsy in March 2011 with nasal cancer that she lived. And she was in remission for 4 of 5 years using no radiation or chemo! Now multiply that by 7 to be 35 years extended!! She was 12.5 years old - equivalent to almost 90 human years old. She ended her watch December 1, 2016. I miss her so much.

September 8, 2014

Vomiting in Dogs

Normally, dogs will eat grass to cleanse out their system – this is the natural method to cure your dog’s upset stomach. However, at times this won’t do the trick, or your dog won’t even feel like eating grass. In this case it can help to give your dog a little bit of Pepcid crushed and mixed with water (the amount will depend on your dog’s weight – consult your veterinarian). It is possible that the manufacturers of these products may change their formulas over time and they may not be as safe as they once were for pups so, as with any treatment, always consult a vet before proceeding with treatment.

If you prefer not giving your dog human medications like Pepcid, and your dog won’t eat grass to clear her or his upset stomach, there are other natural home remedies that can do the trick. However, these may not be the best cure for your dog, so make sure you check with your veterinarian before proceeding. Some natural home remedies include:
  • Rice
  • Boiled chicken or turkey (boneless and no salt added)
Do not use hamburger meat – this is a fairly common recommendation on bulletin boards, but the fact is the meat is too greasy and will not help your dog’s upset stomach.
No matter what you choose, however, make sure your dog stays well hydrated. The point of the grass is to make your dog vomit, to clear out whatever is upsetting his or her stomach. For more serious situations, your best bet is to limit food intake, keep getting your dog water (or low salt broth if necessary), plain clear Pedialyte, give Pepcid for a day or two, and take them to the vet if dehydration becomes a problem.

Should the condition persist, the most dangerous threat is likely to be dehydration. This occurs when the body is unable to retain fluids. Water makes up around 75% of the body weight of dogs, but even consuming large amounts of water may not be enough to prevent dehydration in your dog.

Signs of Dehydration

Dogs, and especially young pups are very susceptible to occurrences of dehydration, much the way humans are. If you notice that your dog has diarrhea or doesn’t seem to have an appetite or be interested in drinking his or her water, then your dog is taking the first step towards dehydration.
You can check to see if your dog is already dehydrated by assessing the appearance of his or her skin and gums. If you lift the lip of your dogs, the gums should be coated with a shiny wet film. If not, then he or she may be dehydrated. To check the skin to see if your dog is dehydrated, squeeze the skin behind the neck as if you were going to pick your dog up as his or her mother would. Release the skin. If the skin stays in the pinched position, your dog is dehydrated. If it automatically goes back to lying flat on the neck, your dog is not dehydrated. This is the same method used to check humans. If you’ve ever had someone pinch the skin on your hand and then watch to see if it goes back to its original form, you have experienced the same kind of dehydration test.

Prevent Dehydration

Don’t assume that you can prevent dehydration by offering water to your furry pet. Your pet also needs electrolytes and vitamins in order to retain fluids. One possible solution to this dilemma is to use Pedialyte. You can obtain a dry mixture made for animals by going to your nearest farming store. The packet is mixed with water, and then fed to the dog.
If your dog does not improve quickly though, do not continue to try self treating. Dehydration in dogs can quickly progress from a passing concern to one of possible organ failure and even death. So, please if your dogs symptoms last more than 24 hours, take him to the vet immediately for treatment.

Feeding a Dog with no Appetite

If your dog isn’t feeling well and you wish to feed it CLEAR NO DYE Pedialyte or some other mixture that will help prevent dehydration, you’re going to need a turkey baster or such similar device and a towel. Your dog isn’t going to want to be fed anything, just as you don’t want to eat when you don’t feel good. Because of this, you may need some assistance when feeding your dog.
After filling the baster or similar (check out drugstores) with the mixture to be used, lay the dog on its side. Open the mouth of the dog and use the syringe to inject the fluid down the dog’s throat. If the dog still doesn’t want to swallow the mixture, massage the throat to prompt the swallowing response. Another method is to inject the mixture inside the back of the cheek of the dog. Again, massage the throat as needed for swallowing. If you choose to use the cheek method, watch for liquid to come out the other side of the mouth as sometimes dogs will simply let the liquid drain out if they don’t have the energy or urge to swallow.

What is vomiting? 
Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth.

What is the difference between vomiting and regurgitation? 
In regurgitation, the food that is expelled comes from the mouth or esophagus, versus the stomach. Vomiting involves the forceful contraction of stomach muscles; regurgitation does not. Both vomiting and regurgitation can occur right after eating or drinking, or up to several hours later.

If my dog is vomiting, when should I call my veterinarian? 
If your dog is bright and alert, and only vomits once, it is probably not necessary to call your veterinarian. Many dogs will vomit after eating grass, for instance. If your dog vomits more than once or appears sick, call your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will ask you a series of questions to determine how severe the vomiting is. It will be helpful for your veterinarian to know when the vomiting started, how many times your dog has vomited, what the vomit looks like, and if your dog is uncomfortable. It is especially important that you call your veterinarian immediately if:

  • There is blood in the vomit
  • Your dog acts like he wants to vomit, but nothing is expelled
  • Your dog appears bloated or has a swollen abdomen
  • You suspect your dog may have eaten something toxic or poisonous
  • Your dog has a fever or is depressed
  • Your dog's gums are pale or yellow
  • Your dog is a puppy or has not received all his vaccinations
  • Your dog appears to be in pain
  • Your dog also has diarrhea
Do not give your dog any medications, including over-the-counter human medications unless advised by your veterinarian to do so.

How is the cause of vomiting diagnosed? 
There are many causes of vomiting (See Table 1: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Vomiting in Dogs). It is important to determine the cause so the appropriate treatment can be given. Your veterinarian will combine information from you, the physical exam, and possibly laboratory and other diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the vomiting.

When dogs and cats vomit, their abdominal muscles contract very strongly multiple times before the food is actually ejected from the mouth. It may appear as though the whole body is involved in the effort. Often they will go through this process several times in a row.
Onset of symptoms - How suddenly the symptoms appeared is a good clue to what the cause of the vomiting may be. If the symptoms appeared suddenly, the condition is called "acute". If the symptoms remain over a long period of time (weeks), the vomiting is called "chronic".
Appearance of vomit - Distinguish vomiting from regurgitation (expelling food that has not yet reached the stomach), whether the vomit contains food or just fluid, color of vomit, presence of blood or bile in the vomit.
Degree of nausea - As shown by such signs as licking or smacking of lips, drooling, swallowing, or gulping. Timing of vomiting in relation to meals or drinking should also be noted.
Severity - How often the vomiting occurs and whether it is projectile.
Presence of other signs - Fever, pain, dehydration, urinary changes, depression, weakness, diarrhea, or weight loss. Vomiting is often caused by diseases not directly related to conditions of the digestive tract, such as hepatitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, and kidney disease.
Medical History - Your veterinarian will ask about your dog's medical history including vaccinations, what type of wormer the dog has received and how often, contact with other dogs, diet, any access to garbage or toxins, and any medications. The more information you can offer, the easier it will be to make a diagnosis.
Physical examination - Your veterinarian will do a complete physical exam including taking your dog's weight and temperature, checking the heart and respiration, looking in the mouth, palpating the abdomen, checking for dehydration, and performing a rectal exam.
Laboratory and diagnostic tests - In some cases of vomiting, your veterinarian will recommend a fecal flotation. This is a test to check for parasites such as intestinal worms or Giardia. If a bacterial infection is suspected, a fecal culture and sensitivity are performed. In cases of certain viral diseases, such as parvovirus, other tests on the feces may aid in the diagnosis.
If the dog is showing signs of illness, a complete blood count and chemistry panel are often recommended. Special blood tests may also be conducted if certain diseases are suspected.
Radiographs (x-rays) are appropriate if a tumor, foreign body, or anatomical problem is suspected. Other diagnostic imaging such as a barium study or ultrasound may also be helpful. Examinations using an endoscope or colonoscopy may be indicated.
For some diseases, the only way to make an accurate diagnosis is to obtain a surgical biopsy and have it examined microscopically.
How is vomiting treated? 
Because there are so many causes of vomiting, the treatment will vary (See Table 1: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Vomiting in Dogs).

In many cases of vomiting in dogs, it is recommended to withhold food for at least 24 hours, and provide small amounts of water frequently. Then, a bland diet such as boiled chicken and rice is offered in small amounts. If the vomiting does not recur, the dog is slowly switched back to his normal diet or a special diet over the course of several days.
For some cases of vomiting, it may be necessary to modify the diet permanently. Special foods may need to be given as a way to avoid certain ingredients, add fiber to the diet, decrease the fat intake, or increase digestibility.
If intestinal worms are present, the appropriate wormer will be prescribed. Few wormers kill every kind of intestinal worm, so it is very important that the appropriate wormer be selected. In most cases, it is necessary to repeat the wormer one or more times over several weeks or months. It is also important to try to remove the worm eggs from the environment. The fecal flotation test looks for worm eggs, and if no eggs are being produced, the test could be negative even though adult worms or larvae could be present. For this reason, in some cases, even if the fecal flotation test is negative, a wormer may still be prescribed.
If dehydration is present, it is usually necessary to give the animal intravenous or subcutaneous fluids. Oral fluids are often inadequate during vomiting or diarrhea since they may pass through the animal too quickly to be sufficiently absorbed.
Antibiotics are given if the vomiting is caused by bacteria. They may also be given if the stomach or intestine has been damaged (eg., blood in the stool or vomit would indicate an injured intestine or stomach) and there is a chance that the injury could allow bacteria from the digestive tract into the blood stream.
In some cases, medications may be given to decrease vomiting. As a general rule, these drugs should not be given if the dog could have ingested a toxin or may have a bacterial infection. Therefore, it is always important to have an accurate diagnosis before use of these drugs.
Table 1: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Vomiting in Dogs
CauseExampleDogs Most at RiskSymptomsDiagnosisTreatment
Gastric dilitation and volvulus (bloat)Deep chested, large breed dogsVomiting, retching, bloated abdomenHistory; physical exam; radiographsSurgery; supportive care; this is an emergency condition and requires immediate treatment
Benign gastric outflow obstructionPyloric stenosis, polypsBoxers, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, young animalsIntermittent vomiting, weight loss, dehydrationHistory, physical exam, radiographs, endoscopySurgery to correct outflow obstruction; antacids
Diet changeChanging dog food brand or feeding a high fat mealThose switching from a consistent dietUsually no other signs of being illHistory and physical exam; tests (eg., fecal flotation) to rule out other causesWithhold food as needed then switch to bland diet and then slowly back to normal diet
Food intolerance or sensitivitySensitivity to or inability to digest or absorb certain foods such as milk or glutenGluten hypersensitivity: Irish setters and soft coated Wheaton terriersSudden onset of diarrhea, sometimes with gasMonitor response to removing ingredient from diet and then adding it again (food trial)Withhold food as needed then switch to diet without the offending ingredient
Intestinal parasitesHookwormsYoung dogsDiarrhea, vomiting, weakness, pale gums, dehydration, anemia, swollen abdomen, black and tarry stoolsFecal flotation examMultiple treatments with appropriate wormer; decontaminate environment; supportive care
GiardiaUsually young animals or those who are immunosuppressedMild to severe soft diarrhea with mucus and a bad odor; weight loss, abdominal pain and vomiting; often intermittentELISA test on feces; fecal flotation exam or microscopic exam of feces; difficult to diagnose - often need multiple samples over several daysMetronidazole, albendazole or febantel; bathing and sanitation to remove Giardia from coat and environment. Reinfection commonly occurs.
Garbage ingestionThose left unattended or unsupervisedDiarrhea, vomitingHistory and physical examWithhold food as needed then switch to bland diet and then slowly back to normal diet
Bacterial infectionSalmonella, E. coli, ClostridiaYoung kenneled dogs or those who are immunosuppressedMild to severe bloody diarrhea with loss of appetite, depression, fever and vomitingFecal culture and sensitivity; microscopic exam of fecesAntibiotics; intravenous fluids and supportive care in more serious conditions
Viral infectionsParvovirusYoung dogs who have not received full series of parvo vaccinationsLoss of appetite, fever, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal painHistory, physical exam, fecal test for presence of parvovirus, white blood cell countIntravenous fluids, antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infection, withhold food and water
DistemperYoung dogs who have not received full series of distemper vaccinationsLoss of appetite, fever, depression, cough, vomiting, diarrhea; later see neurological signsHistory and physical exam; tests (eg., fecal flotation) to rule out other causes; viral testing on blood, urine, or other body fluidsIntravenous fluids if dehydrated; antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections. Prognosis is poor
CoronavirusMore severe in very young dogs, especially those with other intestinal diseases; more of a problem in animal shelters or where there are large numbers of stressed dogsDiarrhea, poor appetite, lethargy, sometimes vomitingVirus isolation or electron microscopy of biopsyIntravenous fluids if dehydrated; antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections
ToxinsStrychnine,ethylene glycol,lead, zincThose left unattended or unsupervisedLoss of appetite, depression, vomiting, dehydration, abdominal painHistory and physical exam; tests (eg., fecal flotation) to rule out other causes; testing of blood, feces or vomit for presence of toxin; x-raysDepends on toxin
Idiopathic Hemorrhagic GastroenteritisSmall breed dogsSudden onset of bloody vomiting and diarrhea, depression, abdominal pain, black and tarry stools, shockHistory; physical exam; complete blood count; tests (eg., fecal flotation) to rule out other causesIntravenous fluids, antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infection, withhold food and water as needed
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO); also called antibiotic resistant diarrheaGerman shepherds, dogs with other intestinal diseasesIntermittent watery diarrhea, poor growth or weight loss, increased gas, sometimes vomitingHistory; physical exam; intestinal biopsy; tests (eg., fecal flotation) to rule out other causes; ultrasound; blood tests (eg., serum folate and cobalamin, bile acids)Antibiotics (at least 4-6 weeks); modify diet
TumorsLymphoma, adenocarcinomaMiddle-age or olderChronic diarrhea, weight loss, poor appetite; may see vomiting and dark, tarry stoolsHistory; physical exam; intestinal biopsyChemotherapy or surgery depending upon the type of tumor
Idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseaseGranulomatous enteritis, eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis, or lymphocytic/ plasmacytic enteritis (LPE)Middle-age; LPE in German Shepherds and BasenjisChronic vomiting and diarrhea possibly with blood and/or mucus; sometimes straining, mild weight loss, and/or black and tarry stoolsHistory; physical exam; intestinal biopsy; tests (eg., fecal flotation) to rule out other causesModify diet, wormers and antibiotics to treat or prevent hidden infections; probiotics; anti-inflammatory drugs; immuno-suppressing drugs if no response to other treatment
Histoplasma enteritis or colitisThose living in the central US along the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri RiversLoss of appetite, mild fever, depression, severe weight loss, vomiting, blood in stool, straining; may also have respiratory signsEndoscopy and biopsyItraconazole, ketoconazole or amphotericin B
ObstructionForeign body,intussusception, pyloric stenosis, splenic torsionDiarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite; as progresses see depression and/or possible abdominal painHistory; physical exam; x-rays; barium series; ultrasound; exploratory surgerySurgery
PancreatitisDogs eating a high-fat meal; Schnauzers and Yorkshire terriers; middle-aged dogsVomiting, dehydration, painful abdomenHistory; physical exam;chemistry panel; other blood tests (e.g., PLI or pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity)Restrict oral intake as needed; administer fluids; provide pain control and other supportive care; medications to control vomiting; maintain on low fat diet
Liver or Biliary DiseaseHepatitis, biliary obstructionVomiting; yellow discoloration of gums and whites of the eyesHistory; physical exam; chemistry panel; other blood tests; x-rays and/or ultrasound; biopsyMedications and fluids to control effects of vomiting and liver disease; possible surgery depending on cause
Kidney DiseasePyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urinary obstructionOlder dogsVomiting, increased thirst and urination; decreased or no urination if obstructedHistory; physical exam; chemistry panel; urinalysis; x-rays and/or ultrasoundDiet changes; medications and fluids to control effects of vomiting and kidney disease; remove any obstruction
PeritonitisPerforated intestineVomiting, painful abdomen; sometimes feverHistory; physical exam; chemistry panel; complete blood count; x-rays and/or ultrasoundAntibiotics, fluids; medications to control vomiting; possible surgery depending upon cause
Pyometra (infection of the uterus)Unspayed dogs who have recently had an estrus (heat)Vomiting; increased thirst and urinationHistory; physical exam; complete blood count; x-rays and/or ultrasoundSurgical removal of uterus; medical treatment
Diabetes mellitusOlder and female dogs; Schnauzers and PoodlesVomiting; increased thirst and urination; sometimes depressionHistory; physical exam; chemistry panel; urinalysisInsulin therapy; dietary management; supportive care
Vestibular disease or brain diseaseOlder dogsIncoordination; vomitingHistory; physical exam; possibly MRIMedications to control vomiting; depends on specific condition
MedicationsDigoxin, erythromycin, chemotherapyVomitingHistory; physical exam; drug levelsMedications to control vomiting; change drug therapy
SepticemiaVomiting, feverHistory; physical exam; blood cultureAntibiotics; supportive care
Hypo-adrenocorticism (Addison's disease)Young to middle-age female dogsVomitingHistory; physical exam; chemistry panel; complete blood countMedications to control effects of hypo-adrenocorticism
GastritisHelicobacterinfection; high blood urea nitrogen (BUN); stomach wormVomitingHistory; physical exam; endoscopyMedications to control vomiting and protect stomach; treat underlying cause; fluids, if necessary
UlcersVomiting; blood in vomit; black, tarry stoolsHistory; physical exam; endoscopy or barium seriesMedications to control vomiting and protect lining of stomach and intestines; treat underlying cause; fluids, if necessary
Gastroesophageal refluxMore common in brachycephalic breeds (eg, bulldogs and pugs)Drooling, licking of lips, vomiting or regurgitation, bad breathHistory; physical exam; endoscopy or barium seriesFeed small, low-fat meals; medications to help protect esophagus, reduce stomach acid and increase movement of food out of stomach
Bilious vomiting syndromeMay be more common in dogs with giardiasis or inflammatory bowel diseaseVomiting of bile on an empty stomach (usually late at night or early morning)History; physical exam; endoscopy or barium seriesFeed a late night meal; medications to help protect the stomach and increase movement of food out of stomach
Motion sicknessDrooling, vomiting while riding in a vehicleHistory; physical examMedications to control vomiting
References and Further Reading
Cave, NJ. Chronic inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of companion animals. New Zealand Veterinary Journal. December 2003;51(6):262-74.
Hall, EJ; German, AJ. Diseases of the small intestine. In Ettinger, SJ; Feldman, EC (eds.) Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Sixth Edition. Elsevier, St. Louis MO; 2005; 1332-1378.
Simpson, KW. Diseases of the stomach. In Ettinger, SJ; Feldman, EC (eds.) Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Sixth Edition. Elsevier, St. Louis MO; 2005; 1310-1331.
Twedt, DC. Vomiting. In Ettinger, SJ; Feldman, EC (eds.) Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Sixth Edition. Elsevier, St. Louis MO; 2005; 132 -136.
Twedt, DC. Don't miss these commonly misdiagnosed gastrointestinal diseases. Veterinary Medicine November 2006: 716-718.
Willard, MD (ed.) The Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice: Gastroenterology Mellitus. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA; 2003.

Lucy never did radiation or chemo, she only did the Tippner Protocol. The Tippner Cancer Protocol combines immunotherapy and molecular cancer therapy using off the shelf readily available inexpensive natural substances. She is past 3 years after diagnosis by biopsy

I buy most of the stuff from Swanson Vitamins. They are cheaper, in capsules for dosage changes, and carry almost everything I give to Lucy except for the Chinese Herbs Stasis Breaker prescription, and the Low Dose Naltrexone prescription. Here is a $5 off coupon link I found