One of the cheapest, safest, and most easily obtained Rx through a vet? Doxycycline. Now, doxycycline is not that great of an antibiotic. It actually has fairly limited use as an antibiotic. Some use it for dental infections, but it is most commonly used to treat certain blood parasites. It's an older antibiotic with new novel uses.
Some exciting news about doxy? It has anticancer effects!
Doxycyline helps suppress angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation that feeds tumors and robs the body). In this way it slows tumor growth. It blocks enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMP’s) that digest the tissue around tumors, allowing new blood vessels to be formed. Check it out here.
Not having access to as much blood supply, the cancer cells are less able to metastasize through the circulation. This lessens the spread of some cancers.
In the lab, this drug can induce apoptosis (normal, healthy, programmed death) of cancer cells. This is a direct action on the cancer cells, and may have some usefulness in cancers. Pretty cool. I know this is not holistic or natural, but this is low side effect profile. And cheap if you get the vet to write you a prescription that you can take to your regular pharmacy. The vets make a huge markup on Rx and you will need this long term.
Long term use alternating this every other day with Meloxicam(Metacam) an NSAID (1 day Doxy next day Meloxi) is basically the NAVY protocol or Metronomic protocol and has shown good results at keeping things reasonable for a while. Try to reserve Prednisone for worst times.