One exciting technique that is used by several herbalists who treat cancer, is that of rotating herbs frequently. The herbalist that developed this unique method of treating cancer is veteran herbalist and ethnobotanist David Winston. Winston is a renowned herbalist who lectures all over the world. He is the author of several books and has over 25 years of clinical herbal experience. According to Winston, his clinical success with cancer clients was greatly enhanced through the practice of continually rotating his formulas each month.
Because cancer cells duplicate so quickly, the possibility that cancer cells will become acclimated to any drug or herb is quite high. Winston has observed that by rotating their herbal preparations on a monthly basis (this would be shorter in dogs), his clients continue to remain cancer free for a longer period of time. Winston theorizes that by using this method, the cancer cells are not given an opportunity to mutate and become resistant to any single herbal formula. The method seems to hold great promise. Whereas previously, his clients usually went into remission for 18 months to two years, Winston says he now has many clients that have been cancer-free for four to five years.
Ok, so what do we need to rotate?
No one knows exactly for sure. This is new, but it makes sense. Not sure if you should rotate anti-oxidents or immune boosting herbs. I can see, and I do this, actually rotate Wormwood/Artemisinin to week on/week off. That stuff is neither immune boosting or an anti-oxident, it actually works on killing cancer cells directly. I would consider rotating some prescription drugs also maybe week on week off or alternating days? Like Doxycycline and Meloxicam/Peroxicam. Or Prednisone alternating with previous. This is all unknown. A dogs week off is 7 weeks to our human timelines.